Where I've Been
What I'm Doing
I was born in Jerusalem, Israel, to American parents. For most of my life it seemed I was always in two places at once. My life split between school years in Israel and summers in New York, Modern orthodox upbringing at home and reform in the states, Split up parents and far away grandparents, my life was a melting pot of experiences to say the least. I’ve lived in fifteen different places, houses and flats, dorm rooms and trailers. I’ve been to China, Spain, Italy, England, Canada, and my most beloved Czech Republic. I dream of visiting Morocco, Cuba and Russia next. I find different cultures fascinating and I am a huge history buff. There is so much beauty in the world so much beauty both in nature and what man has created, and I must see it all.
In 2016 I graduated with a BFA in Fashion Design from the Academy of Art University San Francisco. This was something I worked very long and hard for! I have spent the months since graduation reading and learning about all the other sides of the fashion business. Everything from conceptualizing a collection to production and manufacturing, the right forms, the right questions to ask, every step of the process from start to finish. Filling in information I did not learn at University. I am on the hunt for a position that will challenge me and allow me to learn new skills and gain much experience.
What I hope to do, as a designer, is help influence change in the fashion industry regarding sizing. I believe “vanity sizing” is such a horrible demoralizing practice. I would love to contribute to the elimination of segregation between “normal” and plus sizing. There are ways to design that are more universally flattering and I would love to be one to develop this.
What I Hope To Do
The Designer
What Im Working On
I cannot remember a time in my life when I wasn’t involved in some form of Art. I have a very deep need to create and an almost obsessive search for beauty, authenticity and truth.
This year I have been working with Acrylic paint on canvas to explore and reflect on my relationship to food and my struggle with Binge Eating Disorder. It is the first truly authentic series I have ever done. It is hard, and scary, and embarrassing. It’s exposing, and raw, and gross, and FREEING. I have learned so much about myself, about the web of emotions and struggles I have surrounding food and my weight. I have learned how brave I can be and how to be ok with the vulnerability. I have learned how to remove the element of shame, (well at least to work on it) and the responses have been shocking, more love and support than I could have ever imagined. I hope to show this series in New York City when it is ready.